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Donation Information

Your Donation - A Gift of Health

A gift of health is one of the most enduring gifts you can make. When you give through the BHS Foundation, you join thousands of others who know how good it feels to contribute to the health of our community.

As the health care needs of our community continue to expand, the challenge to help Butler Memorial Hospital and Clarion Hospital fill these needs will continue to grow. It is our responsibility to foster philanthropic support by providing as many avenues for giving as possible. Your gift helps support the mission of Butler Health System by introducing innovative medical advances, purchasing new technologies and maintaining a modern facility that offers exceptional patient care, close to home.

You may choose how and where your gift to the BHS Foundation is used. A general gift with no specific request will be placed in the unrestricted fund to be available for all areas of financial need. You may also specify to have your donation used for a specific program or service that support and improve quality healthcare, education, and wellness for surrounding communities

The BHS Foundation participates in the following Amazon charity program:

  • BHS Food Institute Wish List - Purchase needed items from the Food Institute Wish List to help make nutritious meals and a healthy lifestyle a reality for the 9.4% of Butler residents who are food insecure.
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